Rev. Denis Paul, Minister
Before settling in as a congregational minister, Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul worked in Connecticut as a home builder, then in California as a minister among those most simplistically labeled “homeless.” He brings to his vocation a fierce commitment to social justice and a deep love for storytelling, all in service to spiritual growth in community. His goal is to nurture congregational life that is structurally sound, emotionally heathy, and truly multigenerational, able to meet an often dizzying — but always enriching — array of individual needs.
Director of Music, Vacant
We are searching for a part-time Music Director to lead our enthusiastic choir.
If you are interested click HERE for the job description and application.

Lee Cowan, Director of Religious Education
Lee is so excited to be in the role of Director of Religious Education (DRE), after working for three years in the UUCSC nursery. She loves engaging with families and playing with kids here at UUCSC. She brings a lifetime of childcare and education experience, as well as many years of community building, social justice work and exploring spirituality and meditation. Her work as DRE is incredibly meaningful to Lee, engaging so many of her passions: exploring the world with children, growing compassion and connection to each other, to the web of life and to spirit. She is so honored to be on this journey with everyone in the Religious Education/Exploration program and in the larger congregation at UUCSC.

Sara Kaplow, Congregational Administrator
Sara manages all aspects of UUCSC office operations. She keeps track of all UUCSC organizational data. She manages event scheduling and maintains UUCSC document files. Sara answers the UUCSC phone and knows all the answers to your questions, or she will research them for you.
Her office hours are:
Tuesday – Thursday 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Office Telephone
(401) 783-4170
Bookkeeper, Vacant

Jenny Rebecca, Sunday Nursery Staff
Jenny Rebecca is our RE nursery attendant. She glows with a warm, loving energy that is easily felt by all. She is a mom who loves creative projects and playing with children. She thinks of herself as a big kid at heart. She also works as an individual transitionary care companion for anyone who needs her help. We are so lucky to have Jenny Rebecca with us in RE!