Worship Services
Sunday morning worship at 10:00 am is the center of life at UUCSC. During this time we turn our attention to the exploration of spiritual sustenance through the spoken word, music, and silence. Our professional staff – Minister, Music Director, and Director of Religious Exploration – work together with the volunteer Worship Committee to deliver an uplifting hour of respite from our busy lives.
Most Sundays people worship with us in the sanctuary, while some choose to attend virtually on Zoom. Worship services typically include meditative readings, hymn singing, choral anthem, and sermon. Zoom reordings of the homily/sermon are available on our UUSC YouTube channel.
Children are always welcome in the sanctuary and busy boxes are available at the entrance, but during the service, they may choose to attend Religious Education/Exploration (RE) classes, following the “Story for All Ages.” RE classes are available for children of all ages, September through June, and a professionally staffed nursery is available for children under five on those Sundays.
One Sunday each month is a Multigenerational Service, when children and youth remain in the sanctuary throughout the service, which is designed to interest all ages and include children in the whole experience of Unitarian Universalism. See the NEWSLETTER for the list of monthly services.
Services in July and August feature guests at the pulpit, mostly volunteers from our congregation and some from the surrounding community.
During our services we take time to share personal joys and concerns. Those who would like to speak about their joy or concern, select a polished stone from a basket drop it into a large bowl of water as they share.
Dress is casual. The service lasts about one hour and is followed by fellowship in the sanctuary and the adjoining Oneto Community Room with coffee and snacks on the first Sunday of each month.