Board of Directors

Elected members of the Board of Directors are volunteer administrators of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of South County and operate according to the UUCSC By-laws. Serving in the role of intermediate and long-term planners, they represent the best interests of the faith community in a secure, transparent, respectful and consensual manner and operate according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.  

They meet regularly on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the community room.  Congregants are welcome to attend.  Contact the president for location. Use this link to review the Board of Directors meeting minutes and reports.

At the annual meeting of the congregation, held the second Sunday in June, the Board presents committee reports and the budget for review and acceptance;  proposed changes to the  By-laws to be adopted; and from the Nominating Committeea slate of Board members for election.

One of the Board’s most important duties is to maintain clear and open communication with the committees and the general membership. To this end, board members serve as liaisons to the standing administrative and program committees. A Coordinating Council, which consists of committee chairs, enhances the flow of information between and among the Board, committees, special interest groups and the members. 

Elizabeth Donovan, President

Nancy Richman
President, 2023-2025

Board members can be contacted through the Board President, the Member Directory or the Congregational Administrator.

Russell Stokes, Director

Russell Stokes
Vice President

Mary Fulton, Clerk

Mary Fulton

Mary Alice Kimball

Mary Alice Kimball

Charlie Donnelly

Kelsey Ellis Briggs

Patricia Hindley

Chris Johnson

Elaine Stannard

Bethany Sorrentino