Despite the generosity of our members and friends, fundraising is necessary to support our budget.
Most of our fundraising activities are designed with a dual purpose – to raise money and build community.
Your support of these fundraising projects is appreciated. You ideas to improve them or initiate new ones are welcome.

Dining for Dollars
Annual Fundraiser
Thank you to our faithful hosts, who year after year open their homes and hearts to this function; we welcome new hosts to try this adventure in faith.
Thank you bidders and winners for your support in bidding for and attending these D4$ events.

Book Corner
We sell donated books in good condition for low prices in a corner in Oneto Community Room. It works on the honor system: a box to receive the money is on the wall. If you’re donating books, please contact David Fulton the coordinator of of the book corner, before placing them in the box that is provided.

Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair
The UUCSC’s Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair is held on the first Saturday in December in the Santuary and the Oneto Community Room. Arts and Crafts, baked goods, raffle, and much more.

Chalice Pendants and Lapel Pins
Beautiful silver chalice pendants and lapel pins are available for sale to benefit the capital campaign, Our Living Legacy. Pendants are $30 (without a chain) and lapel pins are $35. Both contain our congregation’s flaming chalice logo, designed by Linda Whyte Burrell. Please contact the Congregational Administrator, if you would like to purchase a pendant or lapel pin.

UUCSC Memorial Tree
A member or friend of UUCSC can purchase a leaf in honor or memory of a loved one or to commemorate an occasion to put on our memorial tree, which hangs in the UUCSC sanctuary. Your short personal message is engraved on the leaf for posterity. Memorial leaves cost $250. Contact the Congregational Administrator for further information.