Dining for Dollars (D4$)
Dining for Dollars is a fundraiser where members and friends host dinners, parties, and other oriented entertainments that usually take place from June to December. Individual seats at each table are sold to the highest bidders during an online auction. The number of guests at each event ranges from six to twenty. Dining for Dollars creates exciting opportunities for members and friends of the congregation to open their homes and hearts, and it gives the auction winners an opportunity to gather other members and friends in a relaxed atmosphere to forge deeper relationships.
Dining for Dollars
How it works…
Hosts sign up.
Date Event information available: TBA
D4$ bidding takes place: TBA
Winners are notified and hosts learn who their guests will be.
Guest payments are due.
Dining for Dollars Events take place as scheduled.
Betsy Dalton and Trish Hindley