Annual Pledge 

Each of us plays an important role in maintaining the health and well-being of our congregation.  There is an expectation that every UUCSC member will make a personally meaningful monetary donation to help maintain our physical space, as well as to support the ministry, music, and education programs vital to our congregation.  It is important to note that there is no minimum pledge amount, and that no one will be turned away for inability to pledge.

The annual pledge drive provides funding for our church’s day-to-day operations. It is UUCSC’s largest source of funds. A pledge is a year-long financial commitment typically paid in a lump sum, quarterly, or in monthly installments over the course of the year.

The UUCSC annual pledge drive is held in early spring and is conducted by the Stewardship Committee.   Access the annual PLEDGE FORM here. Please return to UUCSC by mail by March 21, 2024 to facilitate annual budget development.  However, you can turn in your pledge form to the office at any time during the year.

If you have questions about pledging or donating to UUCSC please contact the Stewardship Committee Chair.

How much should I give to UUCSC? 

Only you know what amount fits with your budget and priorities.  In making your decision, consider the four commitment levels below from UUA and how they relate to your membership. Note that within each commitment level, the guide is progressive, with giving levels rising with capacity. For most people, the fair share percentage is between 2% and 10% of annual take home income.

Commitment Levels

Supporter: The congregation is a significant part of my spiritual and intellectual life that I want to support. My fair share financial commitment starts at 2% of my income and rises to 6% as my income and capacity rise.
Sustainer: The congregation is my central community; I am committed to sustaining the programs and ministries of my congregation. My fair share financial commitment starts at 3% of my income and rises to 7% as my income and capacity rise.
Visionary: My commitment is a clear demonstration of the unique importance of this congregation and of my spiritual principles. My fair share financial commitment starts at 5% of my income and rises to 9% as my income and capacity rise and/or a planned giving legacy gift.
Transformer: I am deeply committed to the congregation; my contribution provides fuel for transformation and is part of my spiritual practices in living out my UU Principles. My fair share financial commitment represents 10% of my income and/or a planned giving legacy gift.

 The Fair Share Contribution Guide
From UUA