Director of Religious Education
Lee Cowan
“I am so excited to continue to be part of the play-based, child-led exploration that happens in RE and to deepen relationships with all the lovely families and children that are part of it.” – – Lee Cowan
Our Director of Religious Education works 20 hours/week, and she will typically respond to email on M, T, W, TH. Along with the minister and music director, she supports Sunday morning worship and the Religious Education Program.
Please join our RE Facebook Group.
And watch the UUCSC News and Updates for RE activities.
Learn about the Religious Education Program HERE.
Lee has been playing with kids since she was old enough to babysit for her teacher’s kids in 7th grade. She’s worked at summer camps, after school programs, outdoor classrooms, intentional communities, Miss Anne’s Waldorf based preschool and most recently in the nursery of the UUCSC. She grew up in Boulder, Colorado and lived for ten years in the Pacific Northwest, exploring herbal medicine, natural building, community building and celebrating joyful play.