Circle Potlucks

Circle Potlucks (CPL) are small gatherings where members and friends of UUCSC gather in homes to share a cooperative meal and informal fellowship. Relaxing and mingling allows for deeper conversations and stronger connections, than are possible at coffee hour after the service, or at meetings.

People sign up once to express interest. There is a sign up sheet posted in the Oneto Community Room, labeled ‘Circle Potlucks.’  Each month everyone who has signed up is emailed to see if they will attend the scheduled dinner, usually held on the last Saturday of the month. Hosts volunteer, and folks are assigned to each host, rearranged each month to create variety in groups.

Hosts establish a menu, then invite their group to bring the different elements of the meal from appetizer to dessert. The host provides the main dish.

In a congregation of over two hundred adults, these gatherings of usually six to twelve people, provide a wonderful opportunity to enrich one’s experience in the UUCSC community.  You may attend once, occasionally, or every month.  Please join us.

Contact:  Hospitality Chair Linda Whyte Burrell.