Our Commitment to Accessibility
The UUCSC recognizes and honors the fact that we are complex human beings, with the strengths and challenges we bring with us every day. For many in our congregation, and many who visit the UUCSC, accessibility is a great challenge. Challenges relating to vision, hearing, mobility, communication, understanding, emotions, and other areas can present barriers to taking part in UUCSC services and programs. UUCSC is constantly working to create a welcoming and sacred environment for all.
The current accessibility features in place at UUCSC include:
- Large print orders of service
- Large print hymnals
- Hearing loop in the sanctuary (T-switch accessible)
- Hearing loop in the choir area (T-switch accessible)
- Designated accessible seating areas
- High definition speakers located throughout the sanctuary
- High definition microphones
- Accessible bathrooms
- Ramped entrance to the sanctuary level
- Accessible entrance to religious education area (without stairs)
- Automatic handicap-accessible entrance door at the top of the front entrance ramp
- Designated handicap-accessible parking spaces
- Website designed for maximum visual accessibility
- Recorded sermons of Rev. DL Helfer, minister of UUCSC. See “Ministry”, then ” Recorded Sermons”
- Ramped access to pulpit/choir level, with safety banister
UUCSC continues to strive to improve its accessibility, so that ALL CAN FEEL WELCOME.